
Putting a spring in Glide's step

Glide | Communication Sector Branding | Steve Edge Design
Glide | Communication Sector Branding | Steve Edge Design

We were tasked by the amazing team at Glide to help reenergise their brand and demonstrate what sets them apart.

We set about capturing the ‘Glide factor’. What is it that they do best? Why should businesses choose glide? What we discovered was a dedication to brilliant basics, the fastest most effective customer service team, the best performing product and a truly passionate workforce.

Glide | Brochure Design | Steve Edge Design
Glide | Hoarding Design | Steve Edge Design
Glide | Print Design | Steve Edge Design
Glide | Communication Sector Branding & Website Design | Steve Edge Design

The glide swirl or ‘spring’ as we re christened it was just a static logo when we started. We decided to bring the energy and passion of the team to the visual language by bringing the spring to life across digital and print.

Glide | Communication Sector Branding & Website Design | Steve Edge Design
Glide | Communication Sector Branding & Website Design | Steve Edge Design
Glide | Website Design | Steve Edge Design
Glide | Communication Sector Branding & Website Design | Steve Edge Design
Glide | Communication Sector Branding & Website Design | Steve Edge Design
Glide | Leaflet Design | Steve Edge Design

Clear messaging for every channel.

With traditional marketing channels still really important for new business acquisitions we made sure the brand was as comfortable in print as it is in digital.

Glide | Communication Sector Branding & Website Design | Steve Edge Design
Glide | Leaflet Design | Steve Edge Design
Glide | Packaging Design | Steve Edge Design


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